Tour archive 1988-2016


You can select below Sarah’s performances by year. The list also includes media performance, and some of them are up for download. Further below is a list of summarized tour dates from Sarah’s most known tours.



Fumbling Towards Ecstasy Live
Overview of Sarah’s FTE Tour in 1994

Lilith Fair
Overview older tour dates of Lilith Fair in 1997, 1998 and 1999

Afterglow Live Tour
Overview of Sarah’s Afterglow Live Tour in 2004 and 2005

Lilith Fair 2010
Overview tour dates of Lilith Fair 2010

Sarah And Friends 2010-2011
Overview tour dates of Sarah And Friends 2010-2011

Shine On Tour 2014-2015
Overview tour dates of Sarah’s Shine On Tour in 2014 and 2015