July, 1999

Publication title: InStyle, vol. -, Iss. -, pg. –
Place: Unknown
Writer: Unknown

Rhythm & Shoes

Few women have done as much to showcase female musicians as Sarah McLachlan, who launched Lilith Fair three years ago. The all-women tour, which regularly packs the house, ends this summer, just as the singer, 31, releases her fifth album, Mirrorball. Sarah, whose style is as ethereal as her voice, says she and drummer-husband Ash Sood will then relax at their Vancouver, B.C., house – she, no doubt, in her trademark neo-bohemian dresses.

FASHION SENSE: Sarah was wearing flowing dresses over tight black pants long before they appeared on the runyways. “My husband is East Indian, and in his culture they wear long tunics with pants underneath. I thought it looked really cool,” she says. She loves designers Dries van Noten, Alberta Ferretti, Voyage and Robert Danes. Always, Sarah adds her own flair. “I am very romantic at heart, and I enjoy that in fashion, but you’ve got to mix it up. I’d wear big boots with a gown. It’s a comfort thing.”

GOING INDIE: “When I stopped caring about what everybody else thought, I really came into my own style,” she says. That’s when she began gravitating toward bright colors and Indian fabrics. Her pixie cut not only accentuates her doe eyes, it’s nearly hassle-free, which suits her perfectly.

BARENAKED LADY: While onstage during a Lilith performance, Sarah fell, losing a show in the process. She’s often sung barefoot since – but does own four pairs of Birkenstocks.

FITNESS REGIMEN: On the road, Sarah sticks to a healthy, mostly vegetarian diet and works out every other day for 45 minutes on a Stairmaster.

MUSIC: These days, Sarah’s hooked on the smooth grooves of Rufus Wainwright.