May 10, 2010

Publication title:, vol. -, Iss. -, pg. –
Place: Unknown
Writer: Jess McGuire

Lilith Fair Might Be Heading Down Under!

In a recent interview with the Advocate, singer-songwriter Sarah McLachlan talked about Lilith Fair’s return to the US festival circuit – and then mentioned that the tour might be heading to Australia in September. What?! If you like your music served up by people who bleed on a monthly basis, it’s time to get very excited…

It’s actually McLachlan’s manager (and co-founder of Lilith Fair) Terry McBride who spills the Antipodean tour details in the interview.

“We’re definitely thinking 2010-2011,” he says. “And then we’re expanding it outside of North America. We’re going to Australia in September and the first week of October. We’re going to the U.K. marketplace indoors in late October. Then over to Japan and Asia in March. Back into North America for the summer of 2011. And what we’re trying to do is expand the Lilith brand and concept because this concept can work anywhere. It just has to be the people with the will and the desire and the passion to make it happen.”

But international expansion isn’t the only big change in store for Lilith Fair.

“In 2012, Lilith will switch from being a traveling show to being a destination,” McBride says. “So maybe three North American shows — so maybe one on the West Coast, one on the East Coast, and one in Canada. By that time, maybe we’ll have developed about 20 international marketplaces. And what I love about that is that, you know, a show that you do in England, a show that you do in Finland, would be very culture-coded by the artists of that area, with a few international artists coming in. And what I love about that is that, over time, those international artists get a footprint and can come to North America. For a lot of people, this will probably the first time that they’ll see a Gossip or a La Roux or a Grace Potter or any of these artists. And that’s really, really cool. We can put on Kate Miller along with Missy Higgins knowing that they’re going to be key to a Lilith Fair in Australia.”

To give you an idea of the grrls we might see at an Australian Lilith Fair, the line up for this year’s North American tour includes Beth Orton, Carly Simon, Cat Power, Emmylou Harris, Erykah Badu, Go-Go’s, Gossip, Heart, Indigo Girls (QUELLE SURPRISE!), Kelly Clarkson, Loretta Lynn, Mary J. Blige, Metric, Norah Jones, Queen Latifah, Rihanna, Sarah McLachlan, Selena Gomez, Sheryl Crow, Suzanne Vega, Tegan and Sara, and The Bangles.

BRING IT ON! I’ve already packed my mooncup.