Lilith Fair & Sarah McLachlan

Lilith Fair was a concert tour and traveling music festival, founded by musician Sarah McLachlan, that featured female musicians; it ran from 1997 to 1999. It returned in 2010 for only one year, and was also brought to Australia and New Zealand under the name of “A Taste Of Lilith”.

In 1996, McLachlan became frustrated with concert promoters and radio stations that refused to feature two female musicians in a row. Refusing to bow to sexism or conventional industry wisdom, she booked a successful tour for herself and Paula Cole. At least one of their appearances together – in McLachlan’s home town Vancouver, on September 14, 1996 – went by the name “Lilith Fair” and included performances by McLachlan, Cole, Lisa Loeb and Michelle McAdorey, formerly of Crash Vegas. The next year, McLachlan founded the Lilith Fair tour, taking Lilith from the legend that Lilith was Adam’s first wife and fair as a way to cultivate an image of beauty and equality. McLachlan modeled the tour after Lollapalooza.

At each Lilith Fair venue, one dollar for each ticket sold was given to a women’s charity in that community.

Lilith Fair 1997-1999:
Miles travelled: 12327
Dollars donationed to women’s shelters (up to and including Denver): 547,152
Number of Lilith shows: 139

Lilith Fair Artists 1997-1999
Lilith Fair Dates 1997-1999

Lilith Fair 1997-1999 gallery (also other venues)

Lilith Fair 2010
Look for the Lilith 2010 posts right here.

Lilith Fair Artists 2010
Lilith Fair Dates 2010

Lilith Fair 2010 gallery

Lilith Fair bootlegs (from 1997-1999 and 2010!)

Lilith Fair on: