December 01, 2008

Publication title: Ecorazzi, vol. -, Iss. -, pg. –
Place: Unknown
Writer: Unknown

Sarah McLachlan Records Holiday Commercial For ASPCA

Sarah McLachlan has teamed up with the ASPCA in a new commercial to help shed light on the thousands of innocent animals who are abandoned each year. In the ad, McLachlan says, “This holiday season thousands of innocent, loving animals will be abandoned, left alone to suffer and die, and they need your help right now. For just 18 dollars a month — only 60 cents a day — you’ll help rescue animals who have been left to die, and you’ll provide shelter, food and love. It’s the greatest gift you can give to an animal who needs you.”

Here at Ecorazzi we fully support both Sarah and the ASPCA and look forward to hearing more about all their wonderful work in the future! So check and out the video below, and then make sure you stop by to help make a difference to an animal in need today!